Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory.

(2) Initial Assessment

Cadet pilot prep. | Initial Assessment (pilot attitude test)
什麼是飛行員能力測試? 飛行員能力測試評估一系列獨特技能,以確保成為一名安全有效的飛行員。其中包括長期記憶、回憶能力、手眼協調、空間意識、反應時間、數據分析和模式識別。飛行學校主要使用這些測試作為預備飛行員招募的工具。
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Cadet pilot prep. | Initial Assessment (pilot attitude test) Eng.

(2) Initial Assessment

Major airlines may have their own aptitude tests, but the main ones used include Cut-E, PILAPT, Com…
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Cadet pilot prep. | Initial Assessment (飛行員能力測試) Chinese

(2) Initial Assessment

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