Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory.

Written by 12:04 pm Cadet Pilot Programme

Cadet pilot prep. 2023 | My first fail experience Eng.

My first fail experience of Cathay Cadet pilot programme

I’m getting ready to apply for the Cathy Pacific — Cadet Pilot Program in November 2023 for the second time.

To be honest, back in June, I boldly applied for it without any preparation. Here’s a rough timeline of what happened:

On June 22, I applied on careers.cathaypacific.com.

On July 10, I received an invitation for the ICAO exam.

On July 14, I received an invitation for the Cut-E test.

On July 20, I took the ICAO Language Proficiency Test at HKYAA (TEA).

On July 25, I received the Initial Assessment confirmation from Cut-E.

On July 27, I received and uploaded my ICAO scores.

On August 2, I received a notification of failure in the Cut-E test.

In the end, I failed the Cut-E test due to my inadequate preparation. 😔

Let me briefly share my exam preparation process. After applying on June 22, I didn’t do any preparation at all. 😳 On July 10, when I received the invitation for the ICAO exam, I started listening to YouTube videos and searching the internet for various resources. However, I didn’t prepare at all before the Initial Assessment on July 25.

On August 2, I received an email inviting me to reapply in three months’ time (on November 2) once I am adequately prepared. From the above, it’s clear that my preparation for the previous exam was extremely insufficient. This time, I am determined to prepare thoroughly for the application.

In the next article, I will share my three-month study plan for the upcoming exam!

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#飛行夢 #機師 #國泰航空見習機師培訓計劃

Follow my instagram for the latest update: https://www.instagram.com/leung.cadetpilot/

Join TG grp: https://t.me/+AXwkskyBCRs3MjM1

Practice CUT-E: https://pilotassessments.com/pilot/cadet/

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