Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory.

Author: Leung

吐血整理 國泰飛行面試問題總結

(3) Initital Interview, (4) Final Interview

小夥伴們 2024年國泰又要面向大陸招飛啦 大家都知道國泰航空福利好 全家國際保險+香港身份 那面試國泰都會…
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Get Your Aviation Facts Straight: Let’s Talk About Planes!


Get Your Aviation Facts Straight: Let’s Talk About Planes!
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A Hilarious Guide to Aviation: It’s More Than Just Planes


Now, most people think airplanes and aircraft are the same thing, but hold your engines, my dear fr…
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Types of Fog 不同種類的霧


Types of Fog 不同種類的霧 | 不同種類的霧有六種不同的霧類型,它們都具有獨特的特徵:Radiation Fog 輻射…
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Thunderstorms and Convective Activity 雷暴和對流活動


Thunderstorms and Convective Activity 雷暴和對流活動 雷暴和對流活動是天氣中常見的現象,尤其在炎熱潮…
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Cadet pilot prep. 2023 | My Lesson Prep. | Eng. & Chinese.

Cadet Pilot Programme

I am getting ready to apply for the Cathy Pacific — Cadet Pilot Program in November 2023. I have pl…
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Cadet pilot prep. 2023 | My first fail experience Eng.

Cadet Pilot Programme

My first fail experience of Cathay Cadet pilot programme
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Cadet pilot prep. 2023 | 第一次投考失敗經歷 Chin.

Cadet Pilot Programme

Cadet Pilot Programme 第一次投考失敗經歷
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Cadet pilot prep. 2023 |HR/Tech Interview Eng.&Chin

(3) Initital Interview, (4) Final Interview

當你成功pass了ICAO同埋Cut-E 後,就會去到HR interview,之後Tech Interview。如果2個都pass了,就會到最…
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Cadet pilot prep. | Initial Assessment (pilot attitude test) Eng.

(2) Initial Assessment

Major airlines may have their own aptitude tests, but the main ones used include Cut-E, PILAPT, Com…
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