Every takeoff is optional. Every landing is mandatory.

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1. ICAO | English Language Proficiency Test

Cadet pilot prep. | ICAO Language Proficiency Test

(1) ICAO Language Proficiency Test

什麼是ICAO? 國際民航組織(ICAO)制定了一個國際語言能力要求的標準,其中包括一個評級標準來衡量英語能…
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2. CUT-E | Aptitude tests

Cadet pilot prep. | Initial Assessment (pilot attitude test) Eng.

(2) Initial Assessment

Major airlines may have their own aptitude tests, but the main ones used include Cut-E, PILAPT, Com…
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Cadet pilot prep. | Initial Assessment (飛行員能力測試) Chinese

(2) Initial Assessment

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3. Initial Interview (HR)

吐血整理 國泰飛行面試問題總結

(3) Initital Interview, (4) Final Interview

小夥伴們 2024年國泰又要面向大陸招飛啦 大家都知道國泰航空福利好 全家國際保險+香港身份 那面試國泰都會…
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Cadet pilot prep. 2023 |HR/Tech Interview Eng.&Chin

(3) Initital Interview, (4) Final Interview

當你成功pass了ICAO同埋Cut-E 後,就會去到HR interview,之後Tech Interview。如果2個都pass了,就會到最…
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4. Final Interview (Technical Interview)

吐血整理 國泰飛行面試問題總結

(3) Initital Interview, (4) Final Interview

小夥伴們 2024年國泰又要面向大陸招飛啦 大家都知道國泰航空福利好 全家國際保險+香港身份 那面試國泰都會…
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Cadet pilot prep. 2023 |HR/Tech Interview Eng.&Chin

(3) Initital Interview, (4) Final Interview

當你成功pass了ICAO同埋Cut-E 後,就會去到HR interview,之後Tech Interview。如果2個都pass了,就會到最…
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85% of people fall into the common pitfalls of writing a Cover Letter.


⭐ I have prepared a Cover Letter template and a checklist to assist you. I hope it will be helpful…
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Truth or Dare | If you want to become a commercial pilot in the United States


Key points ❗️ First, you need to have the right to work in the U.S. 1️⃣ Work visa: (Not all H1B vi…
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Valuable HR interview tips: How to Describe Yourself in Three Words?


During interviews, interviewers often ask: “How would you describe yourself in three words?” 🤔 The…
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香港的飛行員有多少薪水? 不用飛也可以5w 一個月?


香港的飛行員有多少薪水? 當二副機長,在國外訓練回來,一開始飛,小時費是687一個小時,保底薪水是45個…
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CASA RPL CASA PPL CASA CPL — Human Factor CASA CPL — Navigation CASA CPL — Meteorology CASA CPL — A…
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二副幹啥: 大白話:你我就是個省錢小助手 本來寬體機洲際要帶兩組機組 現在帶了二副…省了一套機組的成本 …
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